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Commercial Pesticide Applicator Study Guides


Commercial Pesticide Applicator Study Guides

About these Ohio State University Pesticide Safety Education Program study materials

To qualify for a commercial pesticide applicator license in Ohio, you must: pass the Core exam; pass at least one category exam; submit the application; and pay the license fee. These study guides are designed to help applicants prepare for the exams.

For additional information or help in deciding which pesticide-use category you need for licensure, call the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide & Fertilizer Regulation Section at 614-728-6987. For information on optional training courses for new applicators and recertification opportunities, call Ohio State University Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program at 614-292-4070. To register for a seat at a pesticide exam session or to find recertification credit class opportunities, please go to agri.ohio.gov/divisions/plant-health/pesticides and click the “Online Tools” tab near the top-center of the page.

To request an accessible format of any publication, visit cfaes.osu.edu/accessibility.

To learn more about the Ohio commercial pesticide applicator exams and study materials, visit extension.osu.edu/extension-publishing/ohio-commercial-pesticide-applicator-license-study-guides.


To request an accessible format of study materials, visit cfaesdei.osu.edu/request-accessibility-accommodation.