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Smart Eating for Young Children

Availability: In Stock    |    Product Code: 965
Smart Eating for Young Children
Smart Eating for Young Children
Current Stock: 63
Overview: Good nutrition and a balanced diet in early childhood help kids grow up healthy, and have the potential to positively impact lifelong eating behaviors and overall health. Read more


Smart Eating for Young Children

Good nutrition and a balanced diet in early childhood help kids grow up healthy, and have the potential to positively impact lifelong eating behaviors and overall health. Using a modern layout and large, beautiful images, this 26-page booklet provides professionals and families with practical information and advice to support healthy eating habits in children from birth to 5 years old. Each chapter is written by an OSU Extension educator or specialist on topics ranging from breastfeeding and portion sizes to food safety and food insecurity.

Product Details

Smart Eating for Young Children

pdNumber of Pages: 28
pdOriginal Publication Date: 10/31/91
pdReprint Date: 10/31/16
  • Overview
  • Overview

    Smart Eating for Young Children

    Good nutrition and a balanced diet in early childhood help kids grow up healthy, and have the potential to positively impact lifelong eating behaviors and overall health. Using a modern layout and large, beautiful images, this 26-page booklet provides professionals and families with practical information and advice to support healthy eating habits in children from birth to 5 years old. Each chapter is written by an OSU Extension educator or specialist on topics ranging from breastfeeding and portion sizes to food safety and food insecurity.

  • Product Details
  • Product Details

    Smart Eating for Young Children

    pdNumber of Pages: 28
    pdOriginal Publication Date: 10/31/91
    pdReprint Date: 10/31/16