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Agriculture Career Cards

Availability: In Stock    |    Product Code: 441R
Cover image of Agriculture Career Cards
Cover image of Agriculture Career Cards
Current Stock: 411
Overview: Primarily for use with Real Money, Real World, these cards describe 50 jobs that were identified by 17 different universities and prioritized by a team of agriculture professionals in Ohio. Read more


Agriculture Career Cards

Primarily for use with Real Money, Real World, these cards describe 50 jobs that were identified by 17 different universities and prioritized by a team of agriculture professionals in Ohio. The collection represents a wide variety of careers in biotechnology, business, technology, communication, and other agriculture-related sectors. The cards are also used in agriculture awareness events in schools and communities. The Exploring Agriculture Career Cards PowerPoint presentation is included with every purchase. ©2018.

Product Details

Agriculture Career Cards

pdOriginal Publication Date: 02/28/2020
pdNo of Pages: 53
  • Overview
  • Overview

    Agriculture Career Cards

    Primarily for use with Real Money, Real World, these cards describe 50 jobs that were identified by 17 different universities and prioritized by a team of agriculture professionals in Ohio. The collection represents a wide variety of careers in biotechnology, business, technology, communication, and other agriculture-related sectors. The cards are also used in agriculture awareness events in schools and communities. The Exploring Agriculture Career Cards PowerPoint presentation is included with every purchase. ©2018.

  • Product Details
  • Product Details

    Agriculture Career Cards

    pdOriginal Publication Date: 02/28/2020
    pdNo of Pages: 53