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Overview: Explore roping’s rich history and its deep roots in the American West and the rodeo. Learn how rope is made and understand how each type of rope is used. Read more


Explore roping’s rich history and its deep roots in the American West and the rodeo. Learn how rope is made and understand how each type of rope is used. Once you have practiced the basics of roping, put your skills into action by exploring the different types of roping events—ground roping, mounted competition, breakaway roping, goat tying, tie-down roping, and team roping. This project is for learners of all ages and may be repeated up to three years as long as new learning takes place. This project can be completed without a horse. 190R Equine Record Book is required if you are participating in mounted roping activities. ©2024.

Product Details


pdNo of pages: 36
pdOriginal Publication Date: 03/20/24
pdReprint Date: na
  • Overview
  • Overview

    Explore roping’s rich history and its deep roots in the American West and the rodeo. Learn how rope is made and understand how each type of rope is used. Once you have practiced the basics of roping, put your skills into action by exploring the different types of roping events—ground roping, mounted competition, breakaway roping, goat tying, tie-down roping, and team roping. This project is for learners of all ages and may be repeated up to three years as long as new learning takes place. This project can be completed without a horse. 190R Equine Record Book is required if you are participating in mounted roping activities. ©2024.

  • Product Details
  • Product Details


    pdNo of pages: 36
    pdOriginal Publication Date: 03/20/24
    pdReprint Date: na