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Counting Your Money Calendar

Availability: In Stock    |    Product Code: 917
Counting Your Money Calendar
Counting Your Money Calendar
Current Stock: 924
Overview: This updated Counting Your Money Calendar offers practical "guides" that lay the groundwork for understanding financial health. Read more


Counting Your Money Calendar

Financial well-being occurs when people can fully meet current and ongoing financial obligations, can feel secure in their financial future, and are able to make choices that allow them to enjoy life. The Counting Your Money Calendar offers nine practical "guides" that lay the groundwork for understanding financial health. Twelve undated, monthly calendar pages invite users to put the new tools to work. For use by individuals or households, this easy-to-use resource helps track expenses, plan saving for personal goals, and reduce financial stress by maintaining a spending plan. ©2024

Authors: Margaret Jenkins, Melissa J. Rupp

Additional Editing: Courtney Warman, Richard Wofford

Product Details

Counting Your Money Calendar

pdNumber of Pages: 28
pdOriginal Publication Date: 10/15/23
pdReprint Date: NA
  • Overview
  • Overview

    Counting Your Money Calendar

    Financial well-being occurs when people can fully meet current and ongoing financial obligations, can feel secure in their financial future, and are able to make choices that allow them to enjoy life. The Counting Your Money Calendar offers nine practical "guides" that lay the groundwork for understanding financial health. Twelve undated, monthly calendar pages invite users to put the new tools to work. For use by individuals or households, this easy-to-use resource helps track expenses, plan saving for personal goals, and reduce financial stress by maintaining a spending plan. ©2024

    Authors: Margaret Jenkins, Melissa J. Rupp

    Additional Editing: Courtney Warman, Richard Wofford

  • Product Details
  • Product Details

    Counting Your Money Calendar

    pdNumber of Pages: 28
    pdOriginal Publication Date: 10/15/23
    pdReprint Date: NA